Beach Club Inc

Executive Committee of Board of Directors

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Present:  Garry Layman, President, Rob MacLeod, Treasurer, Gail Sudduth, Vice President, Sara Casassa, Secretary, Erik Browning John Clifford, Anne Hodsdon, Meganne Fabrega, Jeff Ristau, Manager

Absent: Tim Bottomley, Jon Mackin

The meeting was called to order: 7:03 pm

  1. Secretary’s Report– November Minutes were unanimously accepted and will be posted on the website.
  2. Treasurer Report- presented by Rob MacLeod

Rob reviewed the overall 2017 budget.  In 2017, the revenue exceeded the amount budgeted.  The club also had the best year in terms of debt pay down. Rob requested that Jeff prepare a working draft of 2018 budget for the February meeting. Garry shared that the FEMA mandated flood insurance would increase by approximately 25%.  The Financial Report was accepted unanimously.

  • Manager’s Report– Jeff Ristau, Manager

Garry reported that Jeff accepted and signed a two-year contract (2018,2019) as manager of the Beach Club. The board shared with Jeff their satisfaction with his first year. Jeff presented the Manager’s Report and answered questions from the board. Highlights included a discussion on snow removal for the Beach Club parking lot. The board recommended that Jeff secure someone to plow during storms. The Executive Committee discussed creating a schedule that indicated anticipated repair and/or repurchasing dates in order to create a long range plan for upkeep of furniture and the facility. The board discussed the idea of including an incentive bonus for employees that committed to working at the Beach Club preseason, worked the summer holidays and stayed through Labor Day weekend.

  1. Social Report– Meganne Fabrega, Social Chair

Meganne met with Kelley Parrott and Jeff to review the budget and the social calendar for 2018.  Meganne shared some of the ideas from the meeting.   Rob will discuss budget with Meganne and Kelley as they plan for 2018 season.

  1. Swim Report– Erik Browning, Swim Chair

Erik shared guidelines he had created for Lifeguards to assist them in their work and interactions with junior club members.  The board discussed setting up an early season meeting with parents and swim team members to review expectations and summer swim program. Jeff would be meeting with Nicole later in the month to discuss her plans for 2018 season.

  1. Facilities Report– Jon Mackin, Facility Chair

Jon reported that the goal of having a “live” website by May 1, 2018 is on track. A brief discussion was had regarding responses to the membership survey.

  • Membership Report– presented by Gail Sudduth in Tim Bottomley’s absence

Gail presented the Membership Report to the board, noting no changes since the last meeting.

  • New Business-

Garry shared two thank you notes that he had received in the past month.  Gail will review the Beach Club rules and the board will discuss the rules at the April meeting.

  1. Old Business

Long-Range Membership Committee- Anne Hodsdon, chair

Anne will present results of Long-Range Membership Committee’s survey at the March meeting.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:08 pm

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 13th at 7:00 pm at the Rye Public Library.

Minutes respectfully submitted by: Sara Casassa, Secretary