Beach Club Inc.

Executive Committee of Board of Directors

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Present:  Garry Layman, President, Gail Sudduth, Vice President, Sara Cassassa, Secretary, Rob MacLeod, Treasurer, Anne Hodsdon, Jon Mackin, Meganne Fabrega, Jeff Ristau, Manager, –Erik Browning and Tim Bottomley (both via conference call)

The meeting was called to order: 6:32 pm

  1. Secretary’s Report– April Minutes were unanimously accepted and will be posted on the website.
  2. Treasurer Report- Rob MacLeod, Treasurer

Rob reviewed the Financial Report.  The EC approved the annual budget. Rob also reported that nine members did not pay their bill on time.  Letters and late fee have been sent to all. This number reflects a decrease in recent years. Most repairs to the club from the last winter storm will be covered by two different insurance policies held by the club. The Financial Report was accepted unanimously.

  1. Manager’s Report– Jeff Ristau, Manager

Jeff reviewed the highlights of his report with the board.  Jeff reported that he has hired Sue McNamara as the new Swim Team coach. She is a swim coach with the Portsmouth Swim Team and for the past few summers has coached at the Surf Club. Nicole will continue to handle the swim scheduling. Jeff continues to fill other open positions. Jeff also updated the board on all the repairs that have been made to the club, including damage to the sea deck, fence leading to the club from the beach, and painting. The major concern before the opening is getting the pool ready.   The storm debris has made cleaning it difficult this spring. Jeff is working on a proposal fro pool repairs to present at the Annual Meeting. The board will consider whether an increase in dues will be needed to offset the club repair needs.

  1. Social Report– Meganne Fabrega, Social Chair

Meganne shared several new events planned for the 2018 season with the EC. On July 28th, the club will host a Reggae Night.  Another new event this season is Beach Club Reads, which will be on July 23rd.  Author, Meg Mitchell will read her novel The Captain’s Daughter.  More information will be provided at a later date. Tiffany McCann has checked with Abenaqui so that the social calendars can be coordinated to avoid conflicts.

  1. Facilities Report– Jon Mackin, Facility Chair

Jon reported that the new website, designed by Stoutheart, a local web design company, is ready to launch. The club will send out an email with their unique passwords. Garry asked Jon to meet with Kathy to discuss financial payments online and protocol.

  1. Swim Report- Erick Browning, Swim Chair (via conference call)

Erik presented several proposed changes to fee and swim structure. Upon a unanimous vote by the Executive Committee, a new category and fee adjustment was added to the swim team.  Any swim team member entering into their junior year of high school, who due to other summer commitments, can request a senior membership. The practice and meet commitment will be discussed and agreed upon between senior swimmer and head swim coach.  The fee structure for Swim Team is as follows:




This year there will be a mandatory Parent meeting at the end of the first week of practice to discuss expectations.

  1. Membership Report– Tim Bottomley, Membership Chair (via conference call)

Tim presented the Membership Report to the board.  Currently, there are 627 Membership. He shared that in 2001, there were 435 members.  40% of the membership is under 26 years old. Given that the membership number was below 635, a membership meeting was held. Four people from the priority waitlist (who had been on the list since 2001) will be offered membership in addition to two from the regular Waitlist (who had been on the list since 1997). If all accept membership, the total members will be 642.

Provisional memberships were approved for new members from 2017and 2016 members were voted in as full members of the Beach Club.

  1. Old Business
  2. Long Range Planning Committee- Discussed presenting the four strongest recommendations from the committee to the entire Board of Directors in June. The Executive Committee discussed all four options in much detail and then took a “straw” vote to decide the general opinion of the EC. Ann will send a summary of the report to the Board of Directors and invite them to a special meeting on Sunday, June 10th at 10:00 am.
  3. Reviewed Rule Revisions-several rules were revised and the sequence of rules in the handbook was altered to make it more coherent and user friendly. Highlights included parking rules, revised swim rules, a clarification of nanny rules and use of North Deck.

Meeting Adjourned at 10:05 pm

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 12th at 6:30 pm at Beach Club.

LRMC Presentation to Board of Directors will be held on Sunday, June 10th at 10:00 am.

Annual Meeting will be held on June, 24th at 11:00 at beach Club.

Minutes respectfully submitted by: Sara Casassa, Secretary