Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

A regular meeting of the Executive Committee was held on Tuesday November 12, 2024. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Alan Lewis.

Present: Alan Lewis, Craig Seymour, Mary Ellen Morse, Jeff Ristau, Julie Veale, Laura Schwartz, Dickie Garnett, Alanna Schreck and Ali Maglieri


Secretary’s Report – Mary Ellen Morse

A motion was made to approve the minutes of the October Executive Committee meeting. The motion was seconded and carried. The minutes will be posted on the website.


Manager’s Report – Jeff Ristau

  • Jeff provided an update on closing activities.
  • To date, Jeff has not encountered any surprises.
  • He was able to store all furniture on the Club premises.
  • The main building is 99% emptied. It will be ready for exploratory demo.
  • The carpets from the north lockers have been pulled so we can avoid paying for carpeting should it flood.
  • Jeff filled sandbags to see how much space they cover, etc.  A few more will be filled this week and placed strategically around the Club in an attempt to divert water out of buildings and outbuildings.
  • Dave will be finishing this week.


Treasurer’s Report

  • Reggie provided an update on the financials in a report.
  • The Club remains in a solid financial position with $135,111 in our Operating Account and $1,161,295 in our Reserve Account.
  • Except for 12 membership units, the fall bills have been paid providing us with a blend of capital funds ($165,000) and operations funding to see us through the winter until Spring billing.




  • Julie provided an update on the house committee initiatives with specific attention to progress on the pavilion and dining room renovation.
  • The agreement has been signed.
  • The demolition permit has been approved.
  • Persson will begin selective demolition in the coming days and will likely conclude in five days.
  • The Design AG group is reviewing designs, including ceiling design options, windows, and interior renders.
  • Windows and doors will need to be ordered soon to make the May deadline.
  • Persson will provide a project schedule and any changes in scope after the exploratory demolition.
  • Building permits will be sought after such time.


Long Range Planning

  • Dickie provided the group with a detailed update on the status of the sea wall revetment repairs.
  • We have the permit from NH DES.
  • Dickie learned that for Rye Beach Landscaping to access the beach the seawall north of our neighbor needs to be opened. 1-A is a state road so an additional permit from the State DPW was needed. That portion of the beach and the berm is owned by the Town of Rye so an additional permit is needed. Once received, we must also obtain a building permit (despite not building anything).
  • Additional permits will cost $850. Dickie will notify us once received.
  • Dickie also learned some procedures went into effect at the end of April and any “new” work would warrant a review by the National Marine Fisheries Service to go over the impact that our work would have on the ocean front. The cost of the permit is substantial (appx $43,000) but the engineers have been working with the government to alleviate us of having to pay the additional fee as we are doing a repair and replace in kind as opposed to a new development. Dickie feels confident this should be resolved quickly and the Club will not have to pay the additional fee.



  • Alanna gave an update on the 100th
  • The 100th committee for the 2025 celebration is comprised of Tiffany McCann, Amy Green, Maureen O’Neil, Elissa McGee, Denise Byrne, Maryanne Daly, Paula Veale, Erin Reposa and Kelly Parrott
  • The theme will be roaring 20’s with black tie optional.
  • The deck will be fully tented.
  • Photographer Allie Burke will come to do formal photos as well as candid photos. She will do a coffee table book for the Club and can also do a lower cost book for members who would like to purchase a copy.
  • The committee is still exploring options for catering. It will be a sit-down meal. Alanna has received three quotes for 150-200 people ranging from $20-$40K.
  • Ben Baldwin will be playing.
  • A special logo for the event has been created and a subcommittee, headed by Paula Veale and Erin Reposa, is working on branded merchandise that will be available for sale online and at the Club.
  • Save the dates will be sent in the coming weeks.



  • Laura and Ali provided an update on our membership for the month. Membership counts remain at 654.
  • Jeff will have the usage stats updated to Coda.


A motion was made and seconded to move to an executive session. The EC entered an executive session at 8:43 pm.

A motion to exit the executive session and resume the regular meeting was made and seconded at 8:56 pm. The motion was carried and the meeting concluded at 8:57.

The Executive Committee will meet on Tuesday, December 12, 2024, at 7:00 pm via Zoom.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Mary Ellen Morse, Secretary.