January 15, 2025
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
A regular meeting of the Executive Committee was held on Tuesday December 12, 2024. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Alan Lewis.
Present: Alan Lewis, Craig Seymour, Mary Ellen Morse, Jeff Ristau, Reggie Hall, Julie Veale, Laura Schwartz, Dickie Garnett, Alanna Schreck, Ali Maglieri and Katie Layman
Manager’s Report – Jeff Ristau
- Jeff provided an update on the final closing activities.
- The diving board has been taken down for the winter.
- Jeff still plans to place some additional sandbags throughout the Club.
- Still waiting on estimate to re-side the south locker parking lot side.
- Jeff will be mailing staff bonuses in the coming days.
- The EC discussed three member requests for weddings and one request for an 80th birthday in May/June. The EC agreed any events early in the season would not be feasible this year given the tight construction deadline.
- Jeff will reach out to members requesting the wedding to discuss details as there are limited dates available at the conclusion of the season during which the Club is available for large events.
- The EC discussed increasing the function fee from $900 to $2,500 and the staff fee from $15 per person/hour to $50 per person/hour. All members agreed to the increase. Alan will reach communicate the proposed change to the Board and initiate a Board vote.
Treasurer’s Report
- Reggie provided an update on the financials in a report.
- The Club remains in a solid financial position with $197,816 in our Operating Account and $1,120,313 in our Reserve Account.
House Report
- Julie provided an update on the pavilion and dining room renovation.
- We encountered delays related to window selection (Marvin failed to provide timely quotes, increased costs, existing conditions, etc.) which required pivoting. Changes include moving to awning windows for all ocean facing windows with slight changes to the size and layout of remaining windows.
- Windows will now be Anderson Series E and purchased through LaValley/Middleton.
- Based on egress code the French Door out to the Pavilion will have to be an outswing door
- We hoped to reduce the number of columns in the Pavillion without needing to pour new footings. The structural engineer determined that all existing columns would need to be replaced since they currently sit on sill plates and do not have a direct connection with the existing footings or foundation.
- Based on the structural engineering review, half of the existing columns can be removed (to reduce from 16 columns to 8). If the extra beams are price prohibitive, these columns may be replaced as an alternative.
- A new 8” deep slab will be needed for the door out to the Pavilion.
- Part of the existing floor near the door will need to be cut back. We will need to determine whether we will feather in a wood floor or inlay another material.
- The ceiling design has not yet been determined. We will need to further explore considerations such as existing plumbing, the sprinkler system, and overall structure before a final decision can be reached.
- Once the final structural drawings have been provided to the architect, final construction drawings will be provided to Persson for permitting.
- The goal for obtaining permits is mid-January.
Long Range Planning
- Dickie provided the group with a detailed update on the status of the sea wall revetment repairs.
- The Town did approve Ben Holmes to cut through the berm north of our neighbor. State approval was also needed. Given the Thanksgiving break and the Town’s pace in approving the local permit, the permit to the State was not submitted until December 6th.
- Dickie will monitor closely and follow up as needed. Once the State permit has been issued, Dickie will apply for the Town Building Permit.
- Alanna gave an update on the 100th
- Maryann Daly will be managing the budget for the event.
- The 100th Anniversary Committee all agreed the event should be a formal dinner and bar.
- Quotes have been received from the White Apron, Timothy Hopkins and Fifth Flavor. All quotes fall between $25k-40k for 150 guests. The committee will be soliciting additional quotes and will report back at the January EC meeting.
- Ben Baldwin will be performing. The cost for the event will be $2k.
- The committee suggests the per ticket price not exceed $150 per member. Based on estimates received to date, the Club would be subsidizing more than 50% of this party.
- The EC will review further at the January meeting.
A motion was made to conclude the meeting at 8:30 pm. The motion was seconded and carried.
The Executive Committee will meet on Tuesday, January 14, 2024, at 7:00 pm via Zoom.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Mary Ellen Morse, Secretary.