Executive Committee Meeting Minutes


A regular meeting of the Executive Committee was held on Tuesday evening, July 9, 2024, via Zoom. The meeting was called to order at 7:06 p.m. by Alan Lewis.


Present: Alan Lewis, Craig Seymour, Reggie Hall, Mary Ellen Morse, Jeff Ristau, Julie Veale, Katie Johnson, Laura Schwartz, Dickie Garnett, and Ali Maglieri


Secretary’s Report – Mary Ellen Morse


A motion was made to approve the minutes of the July Executive Committee meeting. The motion seconded and carried. The minutes will be posted on the website.


Manager’s Report – Jef Ristau


  • Jeff reported that another automated faucet in the women’s room is broken. It will be replaced with a regular faucet for ease of use and cost savings.
  • The shower head in the women’s room is also broken and will be repaired.
  • The pool heater has been repaired.
  • Jeff has ordered a back-up circulator pump for the pool heater. The current one is leaking and most years we need to replace gaskets or the motor in its entirety.
  • The 3rd of July event was a success.  Attendance was down from previous years. Jeff did receive complaints about firework debris left on the beach. Jeff and staff were prepared to clean up the debris on the morning of the 4th but found the debris had already been removed. Jeff spoke with Chief Walsh, apologized and let him know that next year we would allocate additional resources to cleaning up debris. Chief Walsh seemed please and no further action ensued.


Treasurer’s Report


  • Reggie reported that the Club’s cash balances remain strong.
  • The first round of billing for the season has been sent to members.
  • Reggie sent a check to the engineer for the revetment permit and the deposit ($8,000) to Rye Beach Landscaping for the revetment work.
  • We have still not received an update on the insurance claim for the main clubhouse. Reggie has scheduled a meeting for next week with DB Warlick to obtain more information about use of the insurance proceeds and the impact of the claim on future premiums.


House Committee

  • Since the annual meeting, Julie has brought in three additional construction firms to provide estimates, two of whom focus on residential building and the other commercial building. All firms did a walk through with architect. Julie expects a high-level estimate by July 26th.
  • The EC discussed feedback received from members. Most feedback has been positive while some members had concerns about costs.
  • Some members inquired as to whether hurricane shutters would be easily damaged and costly to repair.
  • Some members expressed interest in retaining the current stone look of the fireplace.
  • Julie will provide all estimates once received.
  • The EC discussed how to best communicate proposed plans with the membership. It was noted that many members were not aware that the bubble would need significant work (e.g. new windows) if the renovation does not occur.
  • Julie will be meeting with potential construction managers in the coming weeks to obtain estimated project costs.


Additional Business:


  • A question was raised about whether a nanny actively caring for a minor member was a guest if the parent was present. The EC reviewed the rule and determined no changes or clarifications were needed.
  • Katie updated the EC on the new structure of the Swim Champs meet. The new format with have younger swimmers competing on one day and older swimmers on the following day.


A motion to adjourn the meeting was made at 8:17. The motion was seconded and carried. The meeting concluded at 8:18.


The Executive Committee will meet Tuesday, July 30, 2024, at 7:00 pm at the Beach Club.


Minutes respectfully submitted by Mary Ellen Morse, Secretary.