Executive Committee Meeting Minutes


A regular meeting of the Executive Committee was held on Tuesday evening, April 9, 2024, via Zoom. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Alan Lewis.


Present: Alan Lewis, Craig Seymour, Mary Ellen Morse, Jeff Ristau, Julie Veale, Alanna Schreck,  Katie Johnson, Dickie Garnett, and Ali Maglieri


Secretary’s Report – Mary Ellen Morse


A motion was made to approve the March Executive Committee meeting minutes. The motion was seconded and carried. The minutes will be posted on the website.


Manager’s Report – Jef Ristau


  • Jeff provided a storm update. The Club did not occur any major damage from this storm, but did have minor damage. Water was driven into the bubble through gaps in the windows and doors. Jeff and Dave removed the water and are drying out the area. The pool refilled with seaweed and ocean water an is being drained now. The parking lot filled with rocks again. Jeff and Dave started cleaning up the parking lot, but stopped due to the weight of the wet material. The north locker also took on water and will need to be cleaned again. There was no structural damage.
  • South Shore Gunite has started work on the pool and appears to be doing a thorough job. They are jack hammering all the old plaster and will be resurfacing the entire pool. They will need more time than originally thought, but plan to plaster in the beginning of May.
  • The diving board base should arrive at Guarinos this week.
  • Invoices have all been sent out. Jeff is working with Jodi to make sure everyone has one and will provide Ali and Laura with any updates or corrections to contact information.
  • Jeff is continuing to coordinate the storm repair work with various contractors.



House Committee


  • Julie and Alan met with the architects and reviewed the first round of designs. The focus is on the outdoor pavilion and modernizing the interior of the clubhouse for more efficient use. An updated design will be provided in the coming weeks and Julie will provide to the EC for review at the next EC meeting.


  • Julie stated that the goal is to finalize plans prior to the annual Board meeting so they can be presented to the Board for review and put to a vote. Julie will be obtaining quotes for the cost of the project. If the plans are not finalized prior to the annual Board meeting and/or building quotes have not been received, a special Board meeting may be needed at a later date.


  • A question was asked as to whether we will be keeping the existing roofline. Julie explained the roofline will remain the same for both cost and permitting reasons.


Long Range planning


  • Ben Holmes provided an estimate of just over $75K to repair/rebuild the revetment from the beach access to the bubble. He proposed pulling everything off the outside layers, saving any material that can be reused, and coating the wall with Elephant Armor to help repair and protect the structure. Ambit design says the surface stones should be 4-7 tons each.
  • The permitting proves will take approximately 2 months. The permit will be good for five years and extend another five years. We will likely get the permit for the entire project even though we only plan to do the repair now.
  • Ben would be available to do the work this Fall or next Spring.
  • Since the repair/rebuild will cost over $50K, Board approval will be required.
  • Greg Bauer has still not responded with an estimate.


Financial Report


  • Reggie provide a financial report for review.
  • The EC reviewed the proposed budget for the upcoming season. A question was asked about Dave’s salary structure. Jeff reported that Dave will be returning and working 5.5 – 6 days each week, from 2:00 to close. He will continue to be paid hourly. Last summer, he worked 1400 hours.
  • Reggie proposed getting a second credit card for Nicole to use for Club expenses rather than submitting items for expense reimbursement. The EC agreed but commented that a credit card was more appropriate than a debit card for security reasons.
  • Guest fees brought in appx $7K in revenue. The EC discussed the guest fee for the upcoming season. Discussions ensured related to the appropriate charge for guests. All agreed the fee should be applicable for guests brought during the weekdays and on the weekends. Weeknight guests, with the exception of Friday, would not be subject to a charge. A motion was made to assess members a charge of $5 per guest during on weekdays and $10 per guest on weekend days and night during the high season (July – mid-August). The motion was seconded and carried.
  • The EC discussed the wedding fees. Currently, the fee is $950 plus the cost of the police detail. Currently, weddings are limited but create significant work for Jeff. A motion was made to increase the fee for wedding to $2,500 plus $50/hour for each Beach Club staff member required to prepare and/or work the event. The motion was seconded and carried. The event agreement will need to be updated with the new fee and will be reviewed to ensure it aligns with current standards.



  • Ali presented a membership report in anticipation of next month’s membership meeting. Currently, the Club has 643 members. Ali and Laura will review prior to next month’s meeting to ensure we have updated numbers for the membership meeting.



  • Alanna provided an update on the social events.
  • Family Night has been scheduled for July 27th.
  • Art with a Splash will be returning in July.
  • Beach Club reads will be held on August 6th.
  • Alanna will be meeting with Jeff to review the social events planned for this summer.


A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:50. The motion was seconded and the meeting concluded at 8:51.


The Executive Committee will meet Tuesday, May 14, 2024, at 7:00 pm at the Beach Club.


Minutes respectfully submitted by Mary Ellen Morse, Secretary.