Executive Committee Meeting Minutes


A regular meeting of the Executive Committee was held on Tuesday evening, July 13, 2021 at the Beach Club. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Sara Casassa.


Present: Sara Casassa – President, Craig Seymour – Treasurer (via Zoom), Mary Ellen Morse -Secretary, Jeff Ristau – Manager, Tiffany McCann, Reggie Hall, Erik Browning, Laura Schwartz, Katie Layman, and Sarah Holmes


Secretary’s Report – Mary Ellen Morse


A motion was made to approve the June Executive Committee meeting minutes. The motion was seconded and carried. The minutes will be posted on the website.


The meeting minutes of the Annual Meeting were provided for review. Minutes will be approved at the next Annual Meeting.


Treasurer’s Report – Craig Seymour


  • The financial report was provided for review.
  • Expenses have increased due to increased staffing and the need for increased inventory.
  • Revenue and expenses are within budget.
  • Kathy has been training Jodi Mari to replace her as the Club’s bookkeeper.
  • The Financial Report was accepted unanimously.


Manager’s Report – Jeff Ristau


  • Jeff reported that he received positive feedback about the opening cocktail party.
  • The fireplace is leaking though the log set is still functioning. Jeff will have a mason assess the issue.
  • To date, there are 165 reservations for the July 24th Jeff is still working to rent long tables and chairs.
  • The sink next to the snack shack is broken. Hart Plumbing will be replacing the spicket.
  • The pool heater has been functioning and has only been in “lock out” once since the first few weeks of season. The lockout switches are being replaced by Denron HVAC. The cost to replace the switches is $400 in labor and the switches are covered by warranty.
  • Board storage has been filling up. Members have been diligent about placing boards in the appropriate storage racks.
  • Falicia Gibson has been hired to work the office window two days a week.
  • Overall, the Club has been busy on the nice days, including member only days.




Membership – Sarah Holmes


  • Sarah Holmes reported current membership totals. As of July 10, 2021, the membership counts are 277 total units (92 single, 88 spousal, 97 family) for a total of 652 members.
  • There will be one Legacy birthday on July 19, 2021 and another in November 2021.
  • Sarah responded to 9 inquiries looking for information to be placed on the waitlist.
  • Two additional applications have been submitted, together with a deposit, and will be added to the waitlist upon receipt of sponsorship letters.
  • Sarah suggested we work to digitalize waitlist applications. The EC agreed applications should be stored electronically and will work to formalize a process.


Swim – Erik Browning


  • Erik has received positive feedback about the swim program, particularly the addition of Mike Jolly.
  • The swim meet on July 12th was cancelled due to rain.
  • The swim team has 43 swimmers this year which is 6 fewer than last year. There are 10 swimmers on the junior team.
  • There is an increase in swimmers in the 3-7-year-old age group, but very few swimmers in the 15-17-year-old age group.
  • The EC discussed how to attract older swimmers to the program and agreed to continue discussions throughout the year.


Social – Tiffany McCann


  • Events have been a challenge with the rain.
  • A music night was held on July 5th.
  • Mel and John were scheduled to play on July 11th but cancelled due to the rain. The event will be rescheduled.
  • There are three more music nights scheduled.
  • Plans for fireworks night are almost complete. Renting tables and chairs has been a challenge.
  • Las Olas and Kona Ice have been booked for Family Night.
  • The EC discussed scaling back the Labor Day Event. The cost for Ben Baldwin to perform will be $3K. Together with the caterer, the event would likely cost approximately $100/person. The overall feel was that members do not have an appetite for a formal event at this time. It was suggested we look to reserve Ben Baldwin for the Club’s 100th anniversary and have a less formal, less expensive Labor Day event this year. Tiffany will explore options and report back to the EC at the next regularly scheduled meeting.


Technology – Katie Johnson

  • Katie inquired with Stoutheart requesting quote to implement an online e-check payment option. E-checks do not carry additional fees. Currently, we pay a fee for all electronic payments of 2.9% of the total charge.
  • The beach clean-up on 6/13/21 had 20 participants and collected 31 pounds of trash.
  • Katie presented an opportunity to participate in Blue Ocean Society’s Garbage Swim on July 30th . During the event, athletes swim the coastline to raise awareness for the clean-up while participants clean the beach. The EC agreed to participate in the event.


Facilities – Alan Lewis


  • The EC discussed options for using an automated “people counter” to better track and understand the Club’s utilization.
  • Currently, the Club tracks people entering the Club manually, but does not track when those people leave the Club.
  • Based on feedback from the Annual Meeting, the EC’s goal is to obtain an accurate count of the number of people in the Club at any time during the day.
  • Erik and Alan have explored multiple options to obtain this information, one of which is a “people counter” similar to those used in retail stores. The system will be able to identify adults, children, carts, and strollers. No personally identifiable information is obtained nor does the system have facial recognition capabilities.
  • Cost of the proposed solutions vary to no more than $200 – $300 per year with an upfront installation cost of up to $1K.
  • The EC wanted to better understand the contract terms governing the proposed solutions and agreed to meet briefly on the following Tuesday to vote.
  • During a special meeting on Tuesday, July 20th, a motion was made to approve the purchase and use of a “people counter”. The motion was seconded and carried.


Long Range Planning – Reggie Hall


  • Reggie provided a report on population trends at the Club from 1975-2020.
  • The numbers were collected from the various systems of records maintained over the period. As such, the numbers are likely not exact.
  • The numbers indicate the Club’s population’s growth rate will continue to outpace our loss rate for the foreseeable future. Some of the highlights in the report are as follows:
    • In 1993, there was a petition from 25% of the membership requesting that the EC reduce and cap the number of membership units to 120 units (today we have more than 280).
    • Membership units (“MU”) rose from 158 → 202 over the past decade. Most notably from 1996-2000 where 25 children chose to become Legacy Members.
    • Legacy Memberships accounted for approximately 75% of the increase in MUs during this decade.
    • Today, Legacy Members account for half of the MUs at the Club and Legacy Associated Population (spouses & kids) are more than half of the current Club population.



New Business

  • The EC discussed the feedback provided during the Annual Meeting.
    • The EC agreed membership and guest privileges was a pressing concern of the overall membership. The EC agreed to discuss approach to addressing both issues at the next EC.
    • It was suggested that the Club appoint a Club ambassador(s) to welcome new members and orient them with Club rules and processes. The EC agreed appointing Club ambassadors was a good idea. Sara will discuss with those whom may be interested in acting as an ambassador and will report back to the EC.
    • The EC agreed preserving Club history was an important initiative and will explore how to best capture and maintain historical artifacts at future EC meetings.
  • The EC discussed the use of Coda, on online data storage application, to store membership data and other relevant documentation. A proposal was made to hire a contractor to reconcile and populate the database at a cost of up to $1K. A motion was made to proceed with the pilot version of the software. The motion was seconded and carried. The EC agreed to discuss production use of the application and hiring a contractor to populate the database at the next regularly scheduled EC meeting.
  • The EC received a letter from a member requesting approval of a SO application received after the deadline. The EC voted not to approve the application at this time, but to discuss revising the date by which SO applications need to be received at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
  • The EC received a letter regarding the membership process and a membership application. All agreed the application process needed review and agreed to discuss both matters at the next regularly scheduled EC meeting.

Old Business

  • The EC discussed member only days and whether days/times should be modified. While some members expressed dissatisfaction with member only days, many have expressed their pleasure with member only days. Given that many music nights fall on Sunday evenings, the EC discussed modifying member only days to exclude Sunday evenings. A motion was made to allow guests on Sunday evenings. The motion was seconded and carried. Member only days will be Wednesday (all day) and Sunday (day only).


Meeting adjourned 10:05 pm.


The Executive Committee will meet Tuesday, August 10, 2021, 7:00 pm at the Beach Club.


Minutes respectfully submitted by Mary Ellen Morse, Secretary.