Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

A regular meeting of the Executive Committee was held, via Zoom, on Tuesday evening, November 10, 2020. The meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m. by Gail Sudduth.

Present: Gail Sudduth – President, Sara Casassa – Vice President, Craig Seymour – Treasurer, Mary Ellen Morse -Secretary, Erik Browning , Alan Lewis, Tiffany McCann, Reggie Hall, Katie Johnson and Jeff Ristau – Manager

Secretary’s Report – Mary Ellen Morse

A motion was made to approve the October Executive Committee meeting minutes. The motion was seconded and carried. The minutes will be posted on the website.

Treasurer’s Report – Craig Seymour

  • Craig Seymour presented the Financial Report to the Executive Committee.
  • Craig answered questions about specific line items in the Budget Report.
  • Several late payments from members have been received bringing our Accounts Receivable down to just under $11,000 with only 13 members outstanding.
  • The Financial Report was accepted unanimously.

Manager’s Report – Jeff Ristau

  • Jeff provided the Executive Committee with an update on the winterization process.
  • Hart Plumbing winterized and shut down the water lines on the 10th so there will be no running water until the first or second week in April.
  • Hart Plumbing informed the Club that Chinburg Builders did not install a backflow preventer. Jeff will contact Chinburg and request they pay for the part and install it in the spring.
  • Precision Pump and Repair came and pulled the pool pump for the winter. They will take the pump apart, clean it, repair any damage, paint it and store it for us until the spring.
  • Jeff asked the owner of Precision Pump about the salt water line. He was not able to clearly identify the issue with the pump but suspected there was a crack in the line under the deck preventing it from pulling in the salt water. He suggests that we run a smaller diameter line of hosing through the old one like a sleeve.
  • Jeff will plan to have Seacoast Sewer and Drain clean the pump as usual this spring and then have Precision Pump inspect the pump after cleaning.
  • Jeff continues to winterize the Club. Remaining windows will be boarded up in the coming weeks. He has also been vacuuming the pool in an attempt to limit any staining from the tannins in the leaves. This has not been done in past years.
  • The new pool boiler has been tarped and taped off in an attempt to reduce any damage from winter weather and moisture. One of the two pump house doors has also been replaced.
  • Holiday wreathes have been ordered and will be put up in early December.
  • Jeff will finalize staff gratuities once he has received the final numbers from Kathy.
  • Jeff is working with Kathy to address late address changes, billing questions etc. on Fall invoices.


Membership – Gail Sudduth

  • As of November 10, 2020, the membership counts are 279 total units (93 single, 89 spousal, 97 family) for a total of 653 members.

Swim – Erik Browning

  • None

Social – Tiffany McCann

  • Tiffany provided a draft of the 2021 social calendar.
  • While placeholders for our annual events were included, there were a number of dates tentatively set aside for music nights in the event larger events are still not an option.
  • The Pop Up Shop is filling orders placed in September and the feedback has continued to be very positive.
  • Tiffany is continuing to working with PromoCentric to offer the site again next summer and potentially include additional merchandise.

Facilities – Alan Lewis

  • Alan updated the Board on the facilities initiatives in conjunction with the long range planning initiatives.
  • The focus moving into 2021 will continue to be repairs to the roof and siding on the south lockers, improvements to the beach access area and improved board storage.

Long Range Planning – Reggie Hall

  • The committee continued discussions about how to approach recommendations to address the long-term effects of climate change and sea level rise.
  • Gail confirmed the Club’s flood insurance premiums had been paid for the upcoming year.
  • The committee discussed how to approach performing fixed point monitoring to document changes to the Club and shoreline. The question was raised as to whether we could use the Club’s existing outside cameras to monitor such changes.
  • The committee discussed the costs associated with improving and/or repairing our existing reventment. Given the many variables involved with such a project, the committee agreed that the conversation should continue at the next EC meeting.
  • The Long Range Planning Committee will convene after the new year to review the LTAP report and rank the Club’s facilities for resilience.

Technology – Katie Johnson

  • The annual survey has been sent out and 74 members have responded to date.
  • The committee reviewed initial responses many of which pertained to the guest policy.
  • The survey will remain open until November 30th and Jeff will send an email reminding members to complete the survey before such time.
  • The complete results will be reviewed at the next EC meeting.

New Business

 Jeff inquired as to whether the Club would be sending holiday cards to members. The committee agreed that cards would be sent and a photo, provided by a member, would be selected for the cover of the card. Jeff will send the final photos for selection.

Old Business


A motion to adjourn regular meeting was made by Gail and seconded by Craig.

Meeting adjourned 8:34 pm.

Executive Session:

Began at 8:36

Motion to adjourn was made by Gail and seconded by Reggie.

Executive session adjourned at 8:56

Regular meeting came back to order at 8:57.

Motion to adjourn was made by Gail and seconded by Craig.

Meeting adjourned at 8:58.

Next Executive Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 12, 2021

7:00  via ZOOM

Minutes respectfully submitted by Mary Ellen Morse, Secretary.