Executive Committee Meeting Minutes


A regular meeting of the Executive Committee was held, at the Beach Club, on Tuesday evening, August 11th, 2020. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Gail Sudduth.


Present: Gail Sudduth – President, Sara Casassa – Vice President, Craig Seymour – Treasurer, Mary Ellen Morse -Secretary, Erik Browning, Meganne Fabrega, Alan Lewis, Tiffany McCann, Reggie Hall, Katie Johnson and Jeff Ristau – Manager

Absent: None

Secretary’s Report – Mary Ellen Morse

  • A motion was made to approve the July Executive Committee meeting minutes. The motion was seconded and carried.
  • The minutes will be posted on the website.

Treasurer’s Report – Craig Seymour

  • The financial report was presented for review.
  • A question was raised as to why the payroll seemed higher. Jeff suggested the overlap from payroll, staff that received raises and extra parking lot and office staff required for Covid related matter would likely account for much of the increase.
  • Craig will discuss the increase with Kathy.
  • To date, snack bar revenue is approximately $14K whereas last year at this time it was approximately $20K. It was expected that snack bar revenue would be significantly less given the no guest policy this year.
  • Craig has asked Kathy to provide more descriptive entries in the Quickbook system in order to permit more accurate reporting and comparison to prior years’ expenses.
  • The finical report was presented and accepted.

Manager’s Report – Jeff Ristau


  • The fireplace has been repaired and is working properly.
  • Parking ballards have been installed and have been working well. The Club has 6 extra ballards.
  • A question was raised about how to utilize the spaces closest to the ballards on Ocean Blvd. Members are to ask parking lot attendants who will move the ballards to allow access to those spots. The ballards will be replaced once the member has parked.
  • There are two additional parking spots next to the grass.
  • Overall, the parking has been fine. On average, there are 1-3 spots available on the weekends.
  • Jeff has hired Shoreline Landscaping to do the weeding and weedwhacking. The initial clean took 3-4 hours at a cost of $50/hour. They will come every three weeks moving forward.
  • Six new storm shutters were purchased, painted and installed. The total cost was $398.19 for the shutters and $250 for painting.
  • The 4:30 -5:00 cleaning time has been sufficient. A recommendation was made to continue to cloase from 4:30-5:00 for the remainder of the season to continue with cleaning. The EC agreed.
  • With the exception of the salt water line which was pulled off, the Club was unaffected by tropical storm Isaiasrecent storm.
  • A suggestion was made to install a handicap rail in the new showers . One currently has a rail. Jeff will look at options to have a rail installed.
  • Many staff members are returning to school earlier than anticipated due to Covid-19.
  • One new lifeguard has been hired and looking to add additional to cover the vacancies through the remainder of the season.
  • The hours of operation will need to consider the reduction in staff.
  • The snack bar will close Labor Day. Breakfast will no longer be servied after next week.
  • The pool traditionally closes Sunday after Labor Day. A motion was made to keep the pool open later this year. The motion was seconded and carried. The question as to whether or not the pool will remain heated was raised. After discussion, the EC agreed that the pool should remain heated.
  • Gail confirmed that the Club has an insurance policy in place that would permit swimming without lifeguards.


Membership –Meganne Fabrega

  • As of August 10, 2020, the membership counts are 279 total units (93single, 89 spousal, 96 family) for a total of 649 members.
  • There is one legacy eligible for membership on 8/31, with no more for the rest of the year.
  • There was one verbal resignation in August of a single membership. Currently waiting on written confirmation.
  • Meganne suggested we explore implementing a moratorium on membership inquiries that do not come to the office through an existing member. This would eliminate anyone being placed on the waitlist who is not affiliated with a member .
  • A question was raised as to whether the Club should forego adding additional applicants to the waitlist given the current length of the list. It was agreed that such a measure would be discussed at a later date.
  • Concerns were raised that if the list is closed to new applicants it should apply to both priority and general.
  • Katie is going to explore options for adding an auto reply to inquirires about membership.
  • A question was raised as to whether or not a parent could sponsor a child for membership. Gail confirmed that under the by-laws a parent could ot sponsor a child for membership.

Swim – Erik Browning

  • August 14, 2020 will be the last day of swim practice. We anticipated going through next week, but we do not have the staff to cover.
  • We will be able to staff an opener, mid-day, and a closer, but that is a challenge.
  • While we did not have meets, we did run time trials the past three Friday’s so each session will participate in 2 of them. Ribbons were/will be handed out.
  • We introduced a weekly note with an update on the swim team. It informs parents on what was worked on the prior week and what the plan is for the upcoming week. This week for instance, they are working on IM’s.
  • Swim team towels were distributed to participants this week.
  • The opening of the diving board has been well received. Minor behavioral challenges have occurred as the diving board has encouraged and other similar behavior.

Social – Tiffany McCann

  • On August 23, 2020, All Together Now, a Beatles cover band, will be playing from 6-8
  • The “Pop Up Shop” has closed and PromoCentric is filling orders.
  • We are waiting on final confirmation from PromoCentric regarding the total number of orders placed.
  • It will take approximately two weeks for orders to be filled.
  • The shop will reopen for another week or two near the end of the season.
  • Depending upon the success of the shop, the shop may be open again next season.

Facilities – Alan Lewis

  • Chinburg has agreed to a $3,500 reduction in the final bill in an effort to settle the Club’s dissatisfaction with the flooring.
  • A question was asked about the surface of the floor in the shower. Alan will look into options to create traction on the shower floors.
  • Chinburg provided a quote for replacing the roof on the south buildings (lockers and bathroom) of $28K. It was recommended that we have 2-3 roofing contractors inspect the roofing around the whole facility in order to assemble a comprehensive long term plan to address all problem areas (e.g. the dormers on the main house).
  • It was recommended that we replace the old skylights should we proceed with the roof replacement.
  • We have assigned a budget of $75K for such roofing repairs.
  • Careno is preparing a quote for the beach access. They are optimistic they will be able to address the Club’s concerns.
  • Should we proceed with the beach access project, work would be done this Fall or in the Spring.
  • A budget of $22K also has been assigned to replace the siding. The siding work would be quoted along with the roof work.
  • We will be obtaining a quote for a walter filtration system for the drinking water.
  • Fire monitoring will be extended to the poolhouse. A quote will be obtained to perform such work.


Long Range Planning – Reggie Hall

  • The Coastal Climate Change team from UNH visited the Club on July 14th.
  • The focus of the meeting was on mitigating the impact of sea level rise.
  • The committee will explore potential grant opportunities to address long-range planning activities.
  • The State Landowner Technical Assistance Program officials will be providing us with a report in the coming week.
  • Material and information about how sea level rise has been modeled to affect the Club and the NH seacoast is available at https://www.nhcoastalviewer.org

Technology – Katie Johnson

  • Security updates to the site have been made based on recommendations
  • The pol hours have been updated on website.
  • The snack bar menu and pricing has been updated on the website.
  • The waiting list on the website has been updated with Meganne’s changes.
  • The office email on the home page has been removed.
  • The copyright footer on the website has been updated.
  • The number of administrators will be reduced from 12 to 2.

New Business

  • Members have requested that adult swim be continued  through September.
  • A motion was made to keep pool open through September to adult-only swimming once lifeguards are off duty or no longer available. The motion was seconded and carried.
  • For the purpose of adult-only swim, adults shall be considered those 16 years old or older.
  • The pool will remain heated through September.
  • Pool hours for general swim will be determined based on lifeguard availability.
  • A communication will be sent to the membership as a reminder to remove all surfboards and paddleboards for the Winter.

Old Business

  • Covid – 19 Restrictions:

o            Many members have expressed their pleasure with the no guest policy.

o            In an effort to safeguard members, the no guest policy will continue for the remainder of the season.

o            The inside of the Club will be opened with a limited number of tables to ensure sufficient spacing. Details to follow together with guidelines for use.


  • Parking Lot. The Club has executed a lease agreement with the Cathlolic Diocese permitting the Club to park up to 20 cars in the St. Theresa lot.

At 8:42 the meeting was moved into an Executive Session.

Motion to adjourn meeting Gail, seconded by Craig.

Meeting adjourned at 9:32pm


Next Executive Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 8, 2020 at 7:00 pm at the Beach Club, weather permitting. In the event of inclement weather, the meeting will be held via Zoom.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Mary Ellen Morse, Secretary.

* List provided via email after the meeting on July 14th.