Executive Committee Meeting Minutes


A regular meeting of the Executive Committee was held, at the Beach Club, on Tuesday evening, July 14, 2020. The meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m. by Gail Sudduth.

Present: Gail Sudduth – President, Sara Casassa – Vice President, Craig Seymour – Treasurer, Mary Ellen Morse -Secretary, Erik Browning, Meganne Fabrega, Alan Lewis, Tiffany McCann, Reggie Hall, Katie Johnson and

Jeff Ristau – Manager

Absent: None

Secretary’s Report – Mary Ellen Morse

  • A motion was made to approve the June Executive Committee meeting minutes. The motion was seconded and carried.
  • The minutes will be posted on the website.

Treasurer’s Report – Craig Seymour

  • YTD we are underbudget due to reduced operating expenses as a result of Covid-19.
  • There are no capital expenses for this year.
  • The finical report was presented and accepted.

Manager’s Report – Jeff Ristau

  • The pool heater was replaced on June 18th by Denron HVAC and has been working without issue since.
  • The removal of the old heater and installation of the new heater was performed at half price for a total cost of of $5K.
  • Denron will be performing bi-annual maintenance to reduce the likelihood of premature failure of the heater.
  • Dave Seaward, the Club’s general contractor, was paid $250 to move fencing and wood railings in the pump house in order to make room for the new heater.
  • The new filter media in the pool has been working well. There was one small leak on a filter tank seal due to a failing gasket. The gasket was replaced at no charge on July 10th.
  • The chimney leak has been repaired and a new, properly sized chimney cap was installed. The cost of the repair was $450.
  • A new gas fireplace log, which was damaged from the chimney leak, was ordered through Jackson Fireplace. The new log will be installed on July 22nd.
  • Cost of removing the old log and installing the new log is $1,303.50.
  • The saltwater pump is still not functioning. Hart Plumbing has continued to troubleshoot but has not been able to identify the issue.
  • Replacing the 2.5HP pump with a 5HP pump will be considered should Hart be unable to determine why the pump is inoperable.
  • The parking lot has been busier than usual and consequently requires additional monitoring by staff.
  • Despite the placement of the cones and rope, drivers continue to enter the lot and perform U-turns.
  • Blue parking bollards and white plastic chains have been ordered to replace the orange cones.
  • Cost of the bollards and chains is $1,139.49.
  • The Club has been very busy the past few weekends; nearing capacity on both Saturdays.
  • On July 11th, 110 members were simultaneously in attendance at the Club by 12:00 pm. On July 4th, 106 members were simultaneously in attendance at the Club. (Covid-19 capacity 120)

Membership –Meganne Fabrega

  • A review of the 2020 directory was compared to the e,aster membership spreadsheet maintained by the membership chair to ensure there were no discrepancies.
  • As of July 12, 2020, there are 279 total units (94 single, 89 spousal, 96 family) for a total of 650 members.
  • There is one legacy eligible for membership in August of this year.
  • The number of membership inquiries has rised significantly over the past few months (approximately one per day).
  • Katie will explore creating an automatic response to electronic membership inquiries in order to reduce the number of emails going to the office. Automatic response will include information about the application fee, recommendation requirements and other general information.
  • Certificates of membership have not gone out since 2009. Resuming the practice of issuing certificates will be discussed at a later date.
  • Further topics for off-season membership issues (as requested by members) include a review of the Legacy initiation fee and procedure for reviewing/meeting new applicants. A running list of membership issues is being maintained by the membership chair for future discussions.

Swim – Erik Browning

  • Overall the swim program is running smoothly.
  • Erik has received positive feedback from parents and swimmers about the structure of the swim team.
  • Weekly emails are now being sent to parents informing them of what will be covered during swim team practice in the upcoming week.
  • Nicole is speaking with other local area swim coaches about holding a virtual meet.
  • We will explore holding a training session with member(s) of the UNH coaching staff as we did last year.
  • “Drylands” are being conducted at the beginning of practice.
  • A request to allow “walk-ins” (space permitting) was made at the Annual Meeting. The request was discussed and concerns were raised about managing a registration/sign-up process. It was decided that allowing “walk-ins” was not feasible at this time.
  • Swim lessons were at capacity in Session 1. Session 2 is almost at capacity.
  • Family swim has been added from 5-6.
  • A request to forego the 3:00 adult swim was made at the Annual Meeting. A decision was made to eliminate the 3:00 adult swim so that kids have more than 15 minutes to swim prior to the pool closing.

 Social – Tiffany McCann

  • As previously decided, there are no plans for any social events this season.
  • The Beach Club “Pop up Shop” was made available to members on July 14th. Beach Club branded clothing is available for purchase.
  • The site will remain active for approximately two weeks and will then close to fulfill orders. The site will reopen in August for another two week period.
  • Cost of the website and shipping has been built into the cost of the merchandise.
  • Exploring the idea of Beach Club book.

Facilities – Alan Lewis

  • The bathroom project is complete.
  • The final cost was $193K versus the initial quote of $175K and budget of $200K.
  • The floor does not meet epectations. The color is not uniform and the finish is not sufficiently abrasive.
  • A quote to re-stain and re-fiish the floor was obtained from another supplier. The quote to perform such work was $7,500.
  • Based on the foregoing quote, a decision was made to withhold $7,500 from the final payment to Chinburg until resolution or agreement on a reduced fee is reached.
  • 2020 capital projects include roof repair, beach access shower / foot washing station, replacing windows and some siding and roofing work.
  • Roof repair. Chinburg provided a quote for replacing the roof on the south buildings (lockers and bathroom) of $28K. We will engage 2-3 roofing contractors to inspect all roofing at the Club  to assemble a comprehensive long-term solution proposal.
  • We have allocated $75K to the budget for roofing repairs/replacement.
  • Beach Access. We will discuss beach access options with Careno. Careno served as the independent inspector for the bathroom project and we were very satisfied with their performance throughout.
  • A budget of $22K also has been assigned to the repair/replacement of siding.
  • A quote to install a water filtration system will be obtained.
  • An estimate will be obtained to extend fire monitoring to the pool house.
  • Parking Lot: A review of the site plan was conducted revealing two additional parking spots located on the grassy area.
  • Jeff, Gail and Alan have met with several members to discuss the openings to the parking lot. Installation of a temporary speedbump will be discussed.

Long Range Planning – Reggie Hall

  • The Coastal Climate Change team from UNH visited the Club on July 14th.
  • The focus of the meeting was on mitigating the impact of sea level rise.
  • The team will provide recommendations as to how to best address energy size and water draininage. Sources of funding, if any, to implement such recommendations will be included with the report.
  • The committee will explore potential grant opportunities to address long-range planning activities.

Technology – Katie Johnson

  • A high-level security assessment and content review of the website was conducted.
  • Initial recommendations will be implemented and documented which will allow Jeff or the office manager to make any seasonal changes or mid-season updates.
  • Initial Recommendations are as follows*
    • Reduce the number of administrators from 12 to 2 and use Least Privilege Access control.
    • Address any known security vulnerabilities.
    • Perform software updates as needed.
    • Create a user privilege role for “content creator” so content can be updated by the office.
    • Update site with 2020 content, including but not limited to, pool hours, staff list and photos, snack bar menu and pricing, new member list and waiting list.
  • The office email will be removed on the public home page to decrease the membership inquiry emails sent to the office.

New Business

  • In lieu of the staff appreciation dinner (cancelled due to Covid-19), a decision was made to allocate $600 for the purchase of gifts for the staff.
  • Gail received a request to allow Board Members to attend Executive Committee meetings. The committee discussed and agreed more transparency would benefit the Board. The issue will be discussed at a later date when the Covid-19 issues are not as pressing. In the interim, meeting minutes will be provided to all members of the Board.

Old Business

  • Parking Lot. The Club has received a lease agreement from the Cathlolic Diocese which would permit parking for up to 20 cars in the St. Theresa lot. The lease has not been executed due to liability concerns. Gail will discuss with Father Gary and the Club will propose language to mitigate the risk.


  • Covid – 19 Restrictions:
    • Membership: Gail received requests to re-consideration guest privileges, including but not limited to, privileges for significant others and grandchildren of members. It was discussed and concluded that the no guest policy will continue to stay in effect at this time due to the uncertain nature of Covid-19 and the required controls. The EC will re-visit the issue at the next EC meeting currently scheduled for August 11th.
    • Lobster parties will resume effective Monday, July 20th. Per state guidelines, parties will be limited to 6 people.
    • Operational cadence has created efficiencies in the daily cleaning performed between 4-5 p.m. As a result, the Club will remain open until 4:30 p.m. at which time it will close for cleaning until 5:00 p.m.
    • The pool will now remain open until 4:15. The diving board will be open, on a trial basis, from 12:30-4:14 Monday through Friday.

Motion to adjourn meeting Gail, seconded by Craig.

Meeting adjourned at 9:32pm

Next Executive Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 7:00 pm at the Beach Club, weather permitting. In the event of inclement weather, the meeting will be held via Zoom.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Mary Ellen Morse, Secretary.

* List provided via email after the meeting on July 14th.