Beach Club Inc.

Executive Committee of Board of Directors

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Present:  Garry Layman, President, Rob MacLeod, Treasurer, Sara Casassa, Secretary, Jon Mackin, Tiffany McCann, Meganne Fabrega, Jeff Ristau, Manager

Remotely: Gail Sudduth, Vice President, Diana Burnell, Alan Lewis and Erik Browning

The meeting was called to order: 7:02 pm.

Secretary’s Report– November’s Minutes were unanimously accepted with two minor corrections and will be posted on the website.

Treasurer Report- Rob MacLeod, Treasurer

Rob MacLeod presented the Financial Report to the board. He highlighted several items, including budget figures and recent debt repayment. Rob provided the background on our current Optima Loan and advised the board to approve a $500,000 line of credit at Optima Bank with a 6% interest rate if utilized.  There would be a $3,000 closing cost associated with procuring the loan. The board discussed the advantages and disadvantages of moving forward with this plan. It was recognized that in order to spend more than $50,000 the board Executive Committee would need the entire board’s approval. Rob made a motion that we close on the Optima Loan. The motion passed 9-0 with one abstaining. Rob presented the 2019 budget.  Money was added for additional cleaning of the bathrooms and for an assistant manager. Capital expenditures for the upcoming season were reviewed. The pool remains the largest item, but the board anticipates repairs and improvements to bathrooms will be needed as well. The Financial Report was accepted unanimously.

Manager’s Report– Jeff Ristau, Manager

Jeff presented the Manager’s Report and answered questions from the board.  Jeff explained the criteria for distribution of Holiday Bonuses. Jeff suggested the board consider current rate for guards in the area and adjust our scale if it is not competitive. Jeff discussed projects and work estimates that he has received since the last board meeting. South Shore Gunite has assured Jeff that the pool would be ready for the opening. Jeff also will work on replacing some of the deck tables and chairs in the off-season. The board observed the comments from membership about the grills and suggested that improvements to the grill area also be explored off-season. After a discussion of possible assistant management options, the EC suggested that Jeff create a job description for the position and make sure that staff assigned to the position can meet the requirements of the job. The board also reviewed the survey results. Some of the more prominent topics in the comment section for areas of improvement were the pool area, grill area, outdoor bathrooms and shower and flower boxes.  The membership reported a high level of satisfaction regarding the food delivery and attention to detail in the kitchen.

Membership Report– Meganne Fabrega, Membership Chair

As of 1/8/19, there are 279 membership units (97 singles, 89 spousal and 93 family) totaling 634 members. No 2019 legacies have exercisedtheir memebership option since the November meeting.  The revised membership application has been printed.

Swim Report– Erik Browning, Swim Chair

Erik presented the Swim Report. Erik reported that Sue McNamara hopes to return next summer. There are no other major updates. As a result of the survey, Erik recommends that the club work on guard training.

Social Report-Tiffany McCann, Social Chair

Tiffany updated possible social activities for the 2019 season based on survey comments.

Facilities Report– Jon Makin, Facilities Chair

Jon updated the board on facility concerns. As the 2019 budget is being prepared, Jon has identified several facility needs. He and Jeff are working with prepare figures for the budget. Jon also shared the survey results.


  1. Proposed  Special Guest Rule- presented by Allan Lewis and Dianna Burnell. The board reviewed new draft of the “Significant Other/Non-married Partner Guest Rule.” It was stressed that this is a privilege, not a policy, and these individuals are always considered guests, not members. The fee for this will be $300.  Garry will send out a letter explaining this change in rules. This summer will be a trial period and the rule will be revisited at the end of the season. The expansion of the guest policy in this manner will not impact membership at all. The Significant Guest Rule was voted on by the Executive Committee as written and was approved unanimously by the board.

Parking Tags-

The parking tags were discussed.  It was proposed that each family membership receive one large parking tag and one smaller one-each with membership number clearly displayed. The expectation is that the club will switch to a parking tag system this season.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:03 pm.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 12, 2019 at 7:00 pm at Rye Public Library.

Minutes respectfully submitted by: Sara Casassa, Secretary