Beach Club Inc.

Executive Committee of Board of Directors

Tuesday, November 13, 2018


Present:  Garry Layman, President, Gail Sudduth , Vice President, Rob MacLeod, Treasurer, Sara Casassa, Secretary, Jon Mackin, Tiffany McCann, Meganne Fabrega, Jeff Ristau, Manager

Remotely: Diana Burnell, Alan Lewis and Erik Browning


The meeting was called to order: 7:03 pm.


Secretary’s Report– October’s Minutes were unanimously accepted and will be posted on the website.


Treasurer Report- Rob MacLeod, Treasurer

Rob MacLeod presented the Financial Report to the board. Rob reported that Kathy would be receiving a raise.  Kathy has worked together with Rob and Garry to make the financial reporting more efficient. A discussion followed on the feasibility of integrating QuickBooks into our website to allow for electronic billing. The Optima Loan application has been submitted and Rob expects to hear back from them within the month, A discussion was had regarding late fees and the payment deadlines. The board had several questions regarding line items in the budget.  Rob presented a draft of the proposed 2019 operating budget. The Social Committee requested more money be added to its budget to help defray the cost of additional social events next season. Money has also been budgeted to hire an assistant manager to allow Jeff to have some relief during the busy summer months. The Financial Report was accepted unanimously.


Manager’s Report– Jeff Ristau, Manager

Jeff presented the Manager’s Report and answered questions from the board.  Jeff updated the board on the two October weddings. In addition, several projects were being finished before the club completely closed for the season.  The pool heater has been fixed and will be rechecked in the spring before the start of the season. With the help of Christian, Jeff winterized the club. Jeff has started to focus on the 2019 club projects, which include resurfacing the pool and a possible renovation of the outside bathrooms. The EC also discussed staff bonuses for 2018 staff, which Jeff will distribute.


Membership Report– Meganne Fabrega, Membership Chair

As of today, there are 281 membership units (98 singles, 90 spousal and 93 family) totaling 638 members.


Swim Report– Erik Browning, Swim Chair

Erik presented the Swim Report. Erik had an informal conversation with Sue McNamara who indicated that she would be interested in returning next summer. Erik would like Sue at the club five days a week.  Nicole has expressed a desire to return next year to serve in a similar capacity as this past summer. Further discussion of this role will take place later in the winter as positions are being filled.


Social Report-Tiffany McCann, Social Chair

Tiffany would like a budget increase for events in 2019.  She discussed adding bonfires on the beach to the list of social activities.


Facilities Report– Jon Makin, Facilities Chair

Jon updated the board on facility concerns. As the 2019 budget is being prepared, Jon has identified several facility needs. Included among these are a new computer for the front office, bathroom renovations and possible updates to the website.


Proposed Guest Policy- presented by Allan Lewis and Dianna Burnell. The board reviewed the draft of the “Significant Other/Non-married Partner Guest Policy.” After a lengthy discussion, the EC decided that that there should be a change to current policy and the club could try this on a trail basis.  The increase price to a membership for the guest was discussed. Allan will update the policy and share it with the board.

Rules and Obligations Review-

As a result of several meetings worth of discussion about parking, Gail presented possible parking tags to EC for consideration. After some discussion it was decided that Gail would get an estimate for the preferred parking tags and report back to the board.

Other-The board discussed possible Christmas card options and suggested Garry extend an invitation to membership to submit photos they have taken of the club. There will be a budget meeting on November 30 at 1:00 at Rob’s office.


The Board moved into Executive Session-9:25 to discuss a personnel issue.  Returned from Executive Session at 9:44pm.


Meeting Adjourned at 9:45 pm.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 9, 2019 at 7:00 pm at Rye Public Library.  There will be no December meeting.


Minutes respectfully submitted by: Sara Casassa, Secretary