Beach Club Inc.
Executive Committee of Board of Directors
Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Present: Garry Layman, President, Gail Sudduth, Vice President, Rob MacLeod, Treasurer, Sara Casassa, Secretary, Jon Mackin, Tiffany McCann, Meganne Fabrega, Jeff Ristau, Manager
Remotely: Alan Lewis, Diana Burnell, and Erik Browning

The meeting was called to order: 7:05 pm.

Secretary’s Report– August Minutes were unanimously accepted and will be posted on the website.

Treasurer Report– Rob MacLeod, Treasurer

Rob MacLeod presented the Financial Report to the board. Rob gave an overview of current indebtedness, which is approximately $278,000. He recommended paying off more of the debt this fall. He also highlighted several line items in the budget that the club tends to carry and spoke to a possible dues increase to cover these gaps. The Long Range Planning Committee is examining the operating budget expenses and will have a recommendation regarding dues for the October meeting. The board complimented Jeff on keeping to a tight budget again this season. The Financial Report was accepted unanimously.

Manager’s Report– Jeff Ristau, Manager

Jeff presented the Manager’s Report and answered questions from the board. Jeff and remaining staff have been working on closing up the pool. The heater will be serviced next week. The Executive Board hosted Fr. Gary from St. Theresa last month in appreciation for allowing the continued use of the church parking for parking overflow. Gail thanked Jeff and Nicole for cooking for the dinner. The board discussed several items on Jeff’s report at length, including paddleboard and surfboard storage. The issue of effective monitoring and lack of space continues to be a challenge at the club. The paddleboard storage created last year has helped, but the North locker area continues to be overcrowded. The board will explore options, including surveying the membership regarding the issue. The topic will also be addressed in the President’s Letter.

Membership Report– Meganne Fabrega, Membership Chair

As of today, there are 283 membership units (97 singles, 92 spousal and 94 family) totaling 646 members. The membership increased by 3 in August/September with two marriages and one birth. Meganne presented the board with a copy of current membership application and minor revisions were made.

Swim Report– Erik Browning, Swim Chair

Erik presented the Swim Report. He will be working with Jeff and Nicole to review the cost of the swim program. The board discussed the current season and evaluated the separation of Head Swim coach and Manager positions. It was shared that the membership would like to see swim team traditions continued, such as psyche night, movie night, bagels, etc.

Social Report-Tiffany McCann, Social Chair

Tiffany has reviewed last year’s budget in regards to budgeting and planning social events next season. She will work with Jeff to create the calendar over the off-season. She is considering adding mid-week events to try to encourage more member participation. The acoustic nights over Labor Day were very successful.

Facilities Report– Jon Makin, Facilities Chair

Jon updated the board on facility concerns. Rob proposed to the board creating a long-range plan that identifies facility needs. Rob emphasized the importance of addressing facility needs. The board discussed the pool resurfacing project and the fact that the Board of Directors needs to vote on the project since it will exceed $50,000. An email will go out to all Board of Directors giving them the option to vote by proxy via email before the October 9th Executive Board meeting. If further discussion is requested, there will be a meeting of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee at 7:00 October 9th to discuss the pool repairs. Jon then presented an overview of upcoming projects. He explained the proposed shutter installation on Club House ocean side windows, which would provide additional storm protection for the clubhouse. After a lengthy discussion, it was decided that if Jon received satisfactory answers to board’s questions about the shutters from the manufacture representative, he would order their installation. The board also discussed the effectiveness of this season’s new parking rules. It was acknowledged that the parking situation continues to be challenging. Several ideas to alleviate it were discussed. Other possible check-in/parking pass options will continue to be explored.

Discussed setting up virtual back-up systems as well as common file sharing location. Jon will explore options. Rob would like to set something up this year.
Significant Other Policy- the LRPC is reviewing this policy and will present it to the board for their review.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:27 pm. There was no Executive Session.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 9th, 2018 at 7:00 pm at Rye Public Library.

Minutes respectfully submitted by: Sara Casassa, Secretary