Beach Club Inc.
Executive Committee of Board of Directors
Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Present: Garry Layman, President, Sara Cassassa, Secretary, Rob MacLeod, Treasurer, Anne Hodsdon, Tim Bottomley, Erik Browning, Jon Mackin, Tiffany McCain and Jeff Ristau, Manager

Absent: Gail Sudduth, Meganne Fabrega

The meeting was called to order: 6:35 pm

Secretary’s Report– May Minutes were unanimously accepted and will be posted on the website.

Treasurer Report– Rob MacLeod, Treasurer

Rob reviewed the Financial Report. Spending this year has remained around the same as last year. The club received $37,500 in initiation fees last month. Rob recommended that the Executive Committee approve a payment of $50,000 towards our debt to which the board unanimously voted in favor. The board discussed the presentation of Financial Report to membership at the Annual Meeting and decided to continue with the PowerPoint format. The Financial Report was accepted unanimously.

Manager’s Report– Jeff Ristau, Manager

Jeff reviewed the highlights of his report with the board. The immediate concerns included repairing the pool motor and heater issues. Despite following recommendations from two pool company consultants, Jeff is still having trouble with the motor. Jeff also reported that a surprise visit from the Health Inspector did not result in any major infractions. Jeff also reported on the extensive storm damage. At this point, it appears that the insurance company payments will cover all damage related repairs. The spring storm did highlight that it is not feasible to have an event at the club in the spring considering the unpredictability of the weather. The board discussed several issues related to membership, guest privileges and sign in.

Social Report– Tiffany McCain, Social Chair

Tiffany updated the Executive Committee on scheduled social events. The Reggae event has been added to the calendar. “Beach Club Reads” has also been scheduled. Meaganne will be responsible for that event.

Facilities Report– Jon Mackin, Facility Chair

Jon reported that the new website, designed by Stoutheart, a local web design company, is fully live. There will be a minimal monthly fee to Stout Heart for hosting the site. The membership directory will be posted online. Emails with passwords and usernames were sent to all membership in May.

Swim Report– Erick Browning, Swim Chair

Erik updated the board on the swim program. Sue McNamara will be the new swim coach. Sue is currently the coach for the Portsmouth Swim team. Her focus will be on the swim team; she will not be doing any lessons. Changes this season include removing the evening Masters’ Program. A parent meeting will be held on July 2nd to discuss expectations and general behavior. The schedule for meets has been published. There will be some pre-season training of the guards so they are all consistent in their interactions with the junior members. Nicole is helping with scheduling and ordering of gear and swim related supplies.

Membership Report– Tim Bottomley, Membership Chair

Tim presented the Membership Report to the board. Currently, there are 643 members: 99 singles, 89 spousal, and 95 membership units. There are 44 applicants on the priority membership. Five units were offered membership and three accepted from the priority list. Two units were offered membership from the regular waitlist. A total of five units were admitted this season.

Old Business

Long Range Membership Committee- Anne updated the board on the director’s meeting the week before to discuss the LRMC. She shared her plans for presenting the results to the entire membership at the Annual Meeting. There was a discussion concerning what recommendations should be shared with the membership. It was decided that the emphasis should be on the two areas that had an overwhelming response: changing the significant other rules and not changing the legacy policy. The specifics concerning the significant other rule will be worked on during the off-season.

New Business

Fee Structure/Dues- The board had a lengthy discussion regarding the present fee structure and considered whether it would be prudent to increase the dues next season. The Executive Committee will evaluate the dues and capital expenditures to analyze the equity structure.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:56 pm

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 10th at 6:30 pm at Beach Club.

Minutes respectfully submitted by: Sara Casassa, Secretary