Beach Club Inc.
Executive Committee of Board of Directors
Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Present: Garry Layman, President, Gail Sudduth, Vice President, Rob MacLeod, Treasurer, Sara Casassa, Secretary, Tiffany McCann, Alan Lewis, Meganne Fabrega, Jeff Ristau, Manager, Diana Burnell (remote), Erik Browning (remote), Jon Mackin (remote)

The meeting was called to order: 7:10 pm. Garry Layman introduced new board members. He reminded the board that information received in the meeting should be considered privileged and not be shared.

Secretary’s Report-June Minutes were unanimously accepted and will be posted on the website.

Treasurer Report– Rob MacLeod, Treasurer

Rob MacLeod presented the Financial Report to the board and stated that the fiscal year to date is similar to last year and that the club is running on budget. Rob presented an analysis of the current membership fee structure. Dues were last increased three years ago. At this point, the club breaks even with the operating budget, but Rob feels that will become more difficult with each year. Garry recommended reactivating the Long Range Planning Committee to study membership categories and fee structure. The committee will consist of Jon, Rob and Alan. Garry would like a recommendation from the LRPC by the September meeting. . The Financial Report was accepted unanimously.

Manager’s Report– Jeff Ristau, Manager

Jeff presented the Manager’s Report and answered questions from the board. There was a lower turnout this year for the July 3rd Party: 335 in 2018 compared to 365 in 2017. Jeff recommended that the club closer earlier in the afternoon for the 3rd of July party set up. It is very challenging for the staff to get all the work done in two hours. The board proposed that the club close at 3:00 instead of 4:00 in 2019 and open at 10:00 on July 4th in 2019 to give the staff time to set up and clean up for the event. Staff has begun enforcing the no guest parking rule on Saturday after sending out email reminders of the policy. The board discussed the parking sticker situation and other options for regulating member parking. Garry suggested to Jeff that he follow up with pool company regarding earlier estimate of scope of repairs that will be needed at the end of the season. Jeff will call them this week.

Membership Report– Meganne Fabrega, Membership Chair

Meganne Fabrega was appointed the new Membership Chair. As of today, there are 284 membership units totaling 645 members. There was 1 marriage since the annual meeting. There have been four recent requests for membership applications with one completed and added to the priority waitlist. There are eight legacy eligible members in the 2018-2019 year. There was a brief discussion on the topic of whether legacies should be notified that they need to request membership before their twenty fifth birthdays. Gail repeated her belief that it is a privilege to have a membership and a reminder should not be necessary.

Swim Report– Erik Browning, Swim Chair

Erik reported that the parent meeting was well attended. The new swim team couch, Sue McNamara, has been well received by swimmers and parents. There were seven swimmers who chose to take a senior membership and four swimmers at the junior level. There are thirty-seven full time swim team members. The first meet was cancelled due to inclement weather. Water aerobics is more popular than last year.

Social Report-Tiffany McCann, Social Chair

Beach Club reads will be held on July 23rd. At the time of the meeting, thirteen people had signed up. The Caribbean Night is on July 28th. An email will go out to membership with details. The committee is considering adding more acoustic nights.

Facilities Report– Jon Mackin, Facility Chair

Jon updated the board on the new website. He is working with the web site design company, StoutHeart, to resolve some email issues. He hopes that has been resolved. Additionally, the buffering issues have been improved as well. The big facility issue in the upcoming year will be repairing the pool.

New Business 

Rules/Regulations- Gail Sudduth presented the revised rules and changes to organizational structure of the membership handbook in regards to listing of the rules. The board discussed the rule concerning what age a younger member can be a guest without an adult present. After a lengthy discussion, no decision was made at this point as to the age.

Correspondences- Garry shared two correspondences with the board. The first was from Brian Murphy and included a commendation of Jeff’s outstanding skills as manager.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:21 pm No Executive Session
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 11th at 7:00 pm at Beach Club.
Minutes respectfully submitted by: Sara Casassa, Secretary