We are excited to announce the new streaming cameras are now live! You can view live video of the beach and parking lot right from your computer or mobile device.
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We hope you enjoy the views of the beach while away from the club. We image there will be some beautiful sunrises and moonrises captured on our new camera.

Overview of Cameras

We worked with an information technologies personal who consulted us on the right cameras for our usage. He was able to help us purchased hurricane strength cameras that will handle our rough weather. The cameras have been made highly secure through specific hosting and encryption services so that the feed can only be access by logged-in Beach Club members.

We have taken great care to safeguard the privacy and security of our members. You will see an example of this in the beach cam where there is a visual black box covering the Sea Deck so at no time will that area of the club be seen on video. We have also made sure that the sweeps of the camera avoid regions nearest to the club where members typically enjoy the beach.

We have connected the parking lot camera to a digital recording device on the premise. It cannot be accessed through the internet, only through our local network. We will be storing 30 days of footage on a running basis. If there is no need to use the footage for any reason, it will be deleted from our storage device. We will be only reviewing footage if circumstance requires it and hope there is never such a need.

Beach Camera

The beach camera will capture a wide range of the beach from the rocks outcropping to the south all the way to the central portion of Jenness Beach. We have programmed the camera to rotate every 15 seconds and stop at four locations so members can get a sense of the beach conditions. The optics and zoom capabilities are fantastic so the members who surf can view the waves breaking near the lifeguard tower and even some of Straws.

Parking Lot Camera

The parking lot camera provides a view of almost the entire parking lot. We could not cover the whole lot given our wiring restrictions, however, there are only about three spaces you cannot see due to the blind spot. We hope that this live stream will help members gauge the usage of the club and plan accordingly for parking. This camera is static and does not rotate but does have good visibility at night. We hope that this camera improves member experience while providing additional security to the club.


If you are watching on your computer, you can take screenshots of the beach by clicking on the camera icon in the lower right portion of the video player. We hope you capture some beautiful images while watching.

Enjoy the new cameras.

Visit live conditions page now.