Beach Club Inc

Executive Committee of Board of Directors

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Present:  Garry Layman, President, Gail Sudduth, Vice President, Rob MacLeod, Treasurer, Sara Casassa, Secretary, Tim Bottomley, John Clifford, Meganne Fabrega, Anne Hodsdon, Jon Mackin, Jeff Ristau, Manager

Absent:  Erik Browning

The meeting was called to order: 7:03 pm

  1. Secretary’s Report-July Minutes were unanimously accepted and will be posted on the website.
  2. Treasurer Report- Rob MacLeod, Treasurer

Rob MacLeod answered questions from Board on specific line items in Budget Report. The possibility of securing a line of credit at Optima Bank was discussed as the Beach Club debt is paid off. The Executive Committee approved the motion to pay $100,000 of the current Optima loan with the goal of paying off the loan in three years.  The Financial Report was accepted unanimously.

  1.  Manager’s Report– Jeff Ristau, Manager

Jeff presented the Manager’s Report and answered questions from the board. The Isle of Shoals Marine Talk was well received by the forty members in attendance.  The Acoustic Night also received positive feedback. 172 people attended Family Night. The Executive Committee discussed improved Snack Bar service with the new number system for food service. Jeff reported no decrease in quality or delivery of service in Snack Bar without a Kitchen Manager. After training the kitchen staff, they were able to order needed supplies/food. The management has been preparing for the DOL Audit and feel they have all needed documentation.

  1. Social Report– Meganne Fabrega, Social Chair

Meganne will assist Jeff in coordinating the Social Events.  She provided a brief overview of the upcoming Water Carnival. The Labor Day Event will be held on Saturday, September 2nd, the acoustic band from earlier in the season will perform and the event will be open to all ages. The Social Report was accepted unanimously.

  1. Swim Report– Erik Browning, Swim Chair

In Erik’s absence, the Executive Committee decided to discuss the Swim Report at the September meeting.

  1. Facilities Report– Jon Mackin, Facility Chair

Jon presented long-range plan for Beach Club website. Jon and the staff will initially be responsible for the updating of the website.  The goal is to have the updated website ready for the 2018 summer season. During the off-season Jeff will replace the ice machine.

  1. Membership Report– Tim Bottomley, Membership Chair

The Executive Committee approved three members’ request to exercise their legacy option.

  1. New Business-

Long-Range Membership Committee- Ann Hodsdon, chair

Gary Layman created the Beach Club Membership Review Committee and appointed Ann Hodsdon as chair. The committee will include current and past EC membership chairs, and reflect the club’s different membership categories. In addition to the committee, members will have the opportunity to answer survey questions, participate in focus groups and share their views with the committee.

  1. Old Business– None to Report

Meeting Adjourned at 9:37 pm No Executive Session

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 13th at 7:00 pm at Beach Club.

Minutes respectfully submitted by: Sara Casassa, Secretary